Tuesday, May 26, 2020

The General Of Overview Of Civic Liberty And Their Forms - 1100 Words

The General Of Overview Of Civic Liberty And Their Forms (Essay Sample) Content: CIVIL LIBERTIES.Civil liberties in the society comprises of basic rights that are guaranteed by laweither explicitly identified in laws and constitutions, or interpreted through the years by courts and lawmakers. Civil liberties are freedoms that gather forpersonal all-time protection from the government for example freedom of the press or right to assemble.In the UNITED STATES,some civil liberties are guaranteed by the Constitution. Moreover, some of the states provide intensive protection of citizens civil liberties than the way others do. For example, California law doesnt allow discrimination on the basis of gender in employment,education and housing. In the rest of states, however, employees may be dismissed from job on the basis of their sexual orientation. However, these liberties include:Freedom of speech and the press is the freedom of communication through electronic media and published materials. It is one of the most appreciated liberties, but free speech usually conflicts with other rights and liberties. Basically, its preservation may be through constitutional or other legal rights. The courts have had to consider the question, "What are the limits of free speech and press?"For instance, in the history, the "clear and present danger  is a basic principle for deciding the limits of free speech. It was set by the famous Schenck v. the united states case from World War I. Antiwar activist Charles Schenck was arrested for sending leaflets to prospective army draftees encouraging them to ignore their draft notices. . The principle was established that free speech would not be protected if an individual were a present danger to United States security. The United States claimed that Schenck threatened national security, and the justices concluded on it. The concept of freedom of speech and of the press is normally covered by the same laws, hence giving equal treatment to spoken and published expression.Freedom of religion supports the freedom of an individual or community, to perceive religion or beliefin various ways including the freedom to change individuals religion or belief. From its beginnings, the Church of Scientology has recognized that freedom of religion is a fundamental human right. In a world where conflicts are often traceable to intolerance of others religious beliefs and practices, the Church has, for more than fifty years, made the preservation of religious liberty an overriding concern.A vital component to preserving this fundamental human right is an understanding of the right to freedom of religion or belief and its meaning under universal human rights principles and international human rights law.The First Amendment guarantees freedom of religion in two clauses: The "establishment" clause, which prohibits the government from building an official church, and the free exercise clause that allows people to worship as they please. Most people do not comprehend that the phrase was actually chang ed later by Thomas Jefferson. In 1804 when he was President of the United states, he gave the opinion that the First Amendment's freedom of religion clause was designed to build a wall of separation between Church and people of the state. Notice that the phrase "separation of church and state" does not show up anywhere in the First Amendment bill, nor is it found anywhere else in the constitution.Court cases that address freedom of religion have dealt with the rejection of prayer in public schools, the denial of aid to parochial schools, the banning of polygamyi.e. the practice of marrying more than one wife, the eradication of poisonous snakes and drugs in religious rites, and limiting the right to reduce medical care for religious purposes.Media eventsMedia events may center on a news announcement, a corporate anniversary, a press conference in response to a major media event, or planned events like speeches or demonstrationsA Media event,is an activity or a function that exists f or the only purpose of media publicity. It may also comprise of any event that is covered in the mass media or was hosted largely with the media as a whole. Instead of paying for advertising time, a media seeks to use public relationsto gain public attention through mediaA news conferenceThe in-person events may include interviews and questioning.It is often held when an organization needs members of the press to get an announcement simultaneously. A news conference is normally announced by giving an advisory in advance to assignment editors. Sometimes they are held autonomously when several reporters gather around a newsmaker.News conferences can be held just about anywhere, in settings as formal as the house of the president (State House) room set aside for the purpose to as informal as the street in front of a crime scene. For example, most Hotel conference rooms are often used for news conferences.A protestA protest is an expr...

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